Favorite pizza: Peperonie
Color: Ice Blue
Song: The Creep
Activity: Crafts
Favorite place in the house: My bedroom
Drink: Mello Yellow
TV Show: Sex in the City
Movie: Ray
Childhood memory: Meeting my best friends
What should you most likely be doing: Cleaning House/ Looking for new job
Favorite toy as a kid: Barbie
Do you have a boyfriend: No, husband
What's your favorite type of pie: Coconut
Do you play sports: No, I was a cheerleader and I played softball when I was younger
What is your hair color: Brown
did you do "it": Yep!
Do you have any pets: Yes
If so how many: 1
and what are they: Cat
Fave. food: Egg rolls
Biggest pet peve: Hocking up spit
Can you tell that I'm bored: You sure can, I make it obvious
Favorite season: Spring
Sports team: Auburn Tigers... War Eagle!
Store: Walmart
Role Model: My husband
Holiday: Christmas
Subject: Math
Half full or half empty: Half full
Twilight or Harry Potter: Neither! I hate them both! Why won't it ever end!????
And why that one: Because they are both extremely annoying
Did you see the last movie for Harry: No, and I never will thank god!
Do you like glitter: The most amazing thing ever!
Do you like to sing: Yes, but no one likes to hear me do it.
Which do you like better?
1. coke or pepsi- Pepsi
2. Milk or dark chocolate- Milk
3. Big mac or Whopper- Whopper
4. Beach or Mountains- Beach
5. TV or Book- TV
Which best describes you?
6.Clean freak or total slob- Clean freak
7.Dreamer or Doer- Dreamer
8.Night light or completely dark- Night light, scared of the dark >.<
Which do you like better?
9.New York or LA- LA
10. Cheese or pepperoni pizza- pepperoni
11.Dogs or cats- Cats
12.Coffee or tea- Tea
13. Radio or iPod- Radio
14.Mall or outlet- Mall
15. Frozen yogurt or ice cream- Ice cream
16. Potato chips or french fries- French fries
17. Organic or junk food- Junk food
18.Ice cubes or crushed ice- Crushed Ice
19. bikini or board shorts- Board shorts
20.creamy or crunchy peanut butter- Creamy peanut butter
Which best describes you?
21. Spender or saver- Saver
22. Fearful or fearless- Fearful
23. Social butterfly or wallflower- Wallflower
24.Secret keeper or blabbermouth- Secret Keeper
25. Worry wart or worry free- Worry wart
How old are you? 21
Height? 5'7
Weight? N/A
Eye color? Blue
Hair Color? Brown
Hair Length? Medium
Relationship status? Married
Longest relationship? 2 years
How many relationships have you been in? 4
How many of those were serious relationships? 2
How many guys have you said iloveyou to? 2
How many guys have said it to you? 3
Have you ever cried over a guy? Yep
have you had your first kiss? how was it? Yes, I don't remember it
how far have you gone with a guy? All the way
Do you have brothers and sisters? Yes
How many? 3
Older? Younger? Older
Are your parents married, divorced ect.? Dead
Who do you live with (mom, dad, both grandparents)? Adopted parents
Mommys girl or Daddys girl? Daddys girl
Do you have any kids? No
do you want some in the future? Yes
how many? 3
Baby names you like? Ethan
Electronics (<< haha idk)
----------------------- ---
(check all that you have)
[]ipod (what generation?)
[X]cell phone
[X]tv in your room
[]mp3 player
animal? Panda
ice cream? Cookies & Cream
quote? I love jokes, but I would never want to be the center of one. - MM
When a girl cries over a guy, He's off limits. - Taylor Swift
candy? Cookies & Cream Hershey Bar
If you could only have one item of makeup what would you have?(mascara, eyeliner, purple glittery eyeshadow!!! lol idk) Fondation
If you had to live on one drink and one food what would they be? Mello Yellow & Egg rolls
If you could live anywhere where would you live? Australia
What is one thing you want to do before you die? Have a family
What is one item of clothing you have that you could not live without? Bra
If you could tell anyone anything right now who would it be and what would you tell them? for example; i would want to tell my mom hi. haha idkk. My husband, that I love him and that I'm sorry for what he is going through right now.